Thursday, September 11, 2008


Like all the years, I've been in England visiting my family, and like all the summer I've been in Wales.

I love Wales, cause you can go everywhere walking on secret paths or swimming in really cold water, or looking goodloking surfer guys.
This year we've been in a little house in the village where my father and auntie past their summers when they were little. The house was near by the beach, and the first day we played cricket all the afternoon.
Is really cool swimming in Wales cause it's cold the first minutes but when you're inside a bit longer becomes hotter, and you never want to get out cause outside is very chilly.
My favourites beaches are Mewslade because there are caves to explore, there are always cute surfer guys and cause it's really beautiful beach, WormsHead because you can only go when the tide is low, and because once i saw a seal swimming around and is amazing, and the last one is Three Cliffs Bay, this beach has a river across the sand of the beach, and you can ride a horse in this really big beach, and i always have great time there.
I love this beaches, so peaceful and extraordinary...

The Best beaches of the world!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Coldplay create sparse, emotional soundscapes, dripping with melancholy. The London-based quartet is singer Chris Martin, guitarist Jonny Buckland, bassist Guy Berryman and drummer Will Champion, the group formed on 16 January 1998. Coldplay have sold 35 million albums, and are also known for their hit singles, such as "Yellow", "The Scientist", "Speed of Sound", "Fix You", "Viva la Vida" and the Grammy Award-winning "Clocks".
Their debut album, Parachutes, was released in late 2000 in the U.S., and they quickly became a sensation. The record went No. 1 in the U.K. charts and won Best Alternative Music Album at the 2002 Grammys. Marked by Martin's falsetto-happy vocals, songs like "Yellow" and "Shiver" employ stop/start dynamics that allow serene verses to build to a crescendo, centering on the well-trodden theme of love. Sophomore effort A Rush of Blood to the Head took home two Grammys and earned a spot on Rolling Stone's "500 Greatest Albums of All Time" list. Hits "Clocks" and "In My Place" were wistful and romantic, labeled by some as radio-friendly Radiohead. The group's third album, X and Y, became the best-selling album of 2005, and "Speed of Sound" topped the year's charts worldwide. After conquering the charts and the Grammys, Coldplay shifted their focus from chart-topping anthems to a more experimental approach for their fourth album, Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends (which nevertheless topped charts upon its release). With ambient maestro Brian Eno co-producing, the 2008 album was an intriguing progression for the band, featuring a mix of global influences, classical strings, heavy piano and glistening bits of dreamy electronics.

Coldplay's musical style has been defined as alternative rock.

"Our type of music is very Heavy Soft Rock"- Coldplay.

It's my favourite band, I love it, I'm a Coldplay lover!!

Official Web Page
My Space
Fan Site


-> Present Continuous


am/ is/ are + present participle


se the Present Continuous with Normal Verbs to express the idea that something is happening now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not happening now.

Longer Actions in Progress now:
In English, "now" can mean: this second, today, this month, this year, this century, and so on. Sometimes, we use the Present Continuous to say that we are in the process of doing a longer action which is in progress; however, we might not be doing it at this exact second.

Near Future:
Sometimes, speakers use the Present Continuous to indicate that something will or will not happen in the near future.

Repetition and Irritation with Always:
The Present Continuous with words such as "always" or "constantly" expresses the idea that something irritating or shocking often happens. Notice that the meaning is like Simple Present, but with negative emotion. Remember to put the words "always" or "constantly" between "be" and "verb+ing."


  • They are reading their books.
  • They are not watching television.
  • I am not reading any books right now.
  • Are you working on any special projects at work?
  • Aren't you teaching at the university now?
  • Is he visiting his parents next weekend?
  • Isn't he coming with us tonight?
  • She is always coming to class late.
  • He is constantly talking. I wish he would shut up.
  • I don't like them because they are always complaining.

-> Present Simple


Verb + s/es in third person


Repeated Actions:
Use the Present Simple to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. It can also be something a person often forgets or usually does not do.

Facts of Generalizations:
The Present Simple can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is true now, and will be true in the future. It is not important if the speaker is correct about the fact. It is also used to make generalizations about people or things.

Scheduled Events in the Near Future:
Speakers occasionally use Present Simple to talk about scheduled events in the near future. This is most commonly done when talking about public transportation, but it can be used with other scheduled events as well.

Now (Non-Continuous Verbs):
Speakers sometimes use the Present Simple to express the idea that an action is happening or is not happening now. This can only be done with Non-Contiuous Verbs and certain Mixed Verbs.


  • The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.
  • The train does not leave at 9 AM.
  • When does the train usually leave?
  • California is in America.
  • California is not in the United Kingdom.
  • Windows are made of glass.
  • The train leaves tonight at 6 PM.
  • The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM.
  • When do we board the plane?
  • He has his passport in his hand.
  • Do you have your passport with you

Click Here to Practice! Or Here!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Web 2.0

"Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform."- Tim O' Reilly.

Web 2.0 is a living term describing changing trends in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that aim to enhance creativity, information sharing, collaboration and functionality of the web. Web2.0 concepts have led to the development and evolution of web-based communities and hosted services, such as social-networking sites, video sharing sites, wikis, blogs and folksonomies. The term became notable after the first O' Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004. Although the term suggests a new version of the World Wide Web it does not refer to an update to any technical specifications, but to changes in the ways software developers and end-users utilize the Web.

Web 2.0 websites allow users to do more than just retrieve information. The characteristics of Web 2.0 are: rich user experience, user participation, dynamic content, metadata, web standards and scalability. Further characteristics, such as openness, freedom and collective intelligence by way of user participation, can also be viewed as essential attributes of Web 2.0. Users can own the data on a Web 2.0 site and exercise control over that data.
These sites may have an "Architecture of participation" that encourages users to add value to the application as they use it. This stands in contrast to very old traditional websites, the sort which limited visitors to viewing and whose content only the site's owner could modify.


Present Perfect Continuous


has/have + been + present participle


-Duration from the past until now:

We use the Present Perfect Continuous to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now. "For five minutes", "for two weeks," and "since Tuesday" are all durations which can be used with the Present Perfect Continuous.

-Recently, Lately:

You can also use the Present Perfect Continuous WITHOUT a duration such as "for two weeks." Without the duration, the tense has a more general meaning of "lately." We often use the words "lately" or "recently" to emphasize this meaning.


  • She has been working at that company for three years.
  • What have you been doing for the last 30 minutes?
  • Recently, I have been feeling really tired.
  • She has been watching too much television lately.
  • Have you been exercising lately?
  • They have been talking for the last hour.

Present Perfect Simple


has/have + past participle


-Unspecified time before now:

We use the Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important. You CANNOT use the Present Perfect with specific time expressions such as: yesterday, one year ago, last week, when I was a child, when I lived in Japan, at that moment, that day, one day, etc. We CAN use the Present Perfect with unspecific expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, etc. The concept of "unspecified time" can be very confusing to English learners. It is best to associate Present Perfect with the following topics: Experience, Change over time, Accomplishments, An uncompleted action you are expecting, Multiple Actions at Different Times.

-Duration From the Past Until Now:

With Non-Continuous verbs and non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, we use the Present Perfect to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now. "For five minutes," "for two weeks," and "since Tuesday" are all durations which can be used with the Present Perfect. Although the above use of Present Perfect is normally limited to Non-Continuous Verbs and non-continuous uses of Mixed Verbs, the words "live," "work," "teach," and "study" are sometimes used in this way even though they are NOT Non-Continuous Verbs. You can place grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc.


  • I have seen that movie twenty times.
  • I think I have met Tony once before.
  • There have been many earthquakes in California.
  • People have traveled to the Moon.
  • People have not traveled to Mars.
  • Have you read the book yet?
  • Nobody has ever climbed that mountain.
  • A: Has there ever been a war in the United States?
    B: Yes, there has been a war in the United States.
click here to practice!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to." Although the two forms can

sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two very different meanings. Both "will" and "be going to" refer to a specific time in the future.

When we want to talk about future facts or things we believe to be true about the future, we use 'will'.
If we are not so certain about the future, we use 'will' with expressions such as 'probably', 'possibly', 'I think', 'I hope'.
If you are making a future prediction based on evidence in the present situation, use 'going to'.
At the moment of making a decision, use 'will'. Once you have made the decision, talk about it using 'going to.

We use Will to express a voluntary action, to express a promise or to express a prediction.
We use Be Going to to express a plan or to express a prediction.

Form "Will":

[will + verb]


  • You will help him later.
  • Will you help him later?
  • You will not help him later.

Form "Be Going To":

[am/is/are + going to + verb]


  • You are going to meet Sara tonight.
  • Are you going to meet Sara tonight?
  • You are not going to meet Sara tonight.
Click here to practice

Friday, February 29, 2008


Past Simple

Verb + ed or irregular verbs

You called Pablo.
Did you call Pablo?
You did not call Pablo.

Use the Past Simple to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind.

Past Continuous

was/were + present participle

You were studying when she called.
Were you studying when she called?
You were not studying when she called

Use the Past Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted. The interruption is usually a shorter action in the Past Simple. Remember this can be a real interruption or just an interruption in time.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Because i have family in England, one year i go to London and the next one i stay in Valenciá. The x-mas i celebrate it with my family.


24 December

At nigth, all the family comes and stay in my grandparents house we have fun, but we go to bed early. We put a sock on our bed, so father christmas can let us all the present inside it. Usually the people put chocolate and wishky for Santa, but we put smarties and apple juice.

25 December

We wake up early, and open all the presents that Santa give us. Then we have a great breackfast and we play or read with all the presents of Santa, Then my grat grandmother comes with her sons. We have a great meal, and then we open the family presents each family give to a family member a present. We open all the present and then we have a lovely afternoon.

27, 28, 29, 30 December

These days we are all in family, and we have a great time, one of these days we usually go ice-skating. We always go in family, and we have a funny and great time.

31 December

We celebrate this day with the Jones family, we play, we sing, we play the piano, we dance and we have a really great time. Then we have special supper and go to London eye to see the Fire works and celebrate the new year, yeahh!

1 January

We have a great time we go to sleep really late, and we get up late, we spend the day with the Jones.

And Christmas finishes with this day.


24 December

I spend the nigth playing, dancing, listening to music, watching films with my mother, my little brother and my dad. We have a lovely meal and we spend laughing all the time

25 December

We go to my uncle or grandmother house, or they come to our house. We have an espectacular meal, and the youngest sing to have las estrenas.

I have a funny time cause i laugh a lot with my cousins Caro, Claudia, Pablo and Edu and my brother Nicky.

31 December

I spend it with my family, and i eat grape with the campanadas, we have a lovely thime the four of us, i love my family

Credits: My mother and I.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


In biology and ecology, extinction is the cessation of existence of a species or group of taxa, reducing biodiversity. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of that species (although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point). Because a species' potential range may be very large, determining this moment is difficult, and is usually done retrospectively.

A species becomes extinct when the last existing member of that species dies. Extinction therefore becomes a certainty when there are no surviving individuals that are able to reproduce and create a new generation. A species may become functionally extinctcia when only a handful of individuals survive, which are unable to reproduce due to poor health, age, sparse distribution over a large range, a lack of individuals of both sexes (in sexually reproducing species), or other reasons.

There are a variety of causes that can contribute directly or indirectly to the extinction of a species or group of species. Extinction of a species may come suddenly when an otherwise healthy species is wiped out completely, as when toxic pollution renders its entire habitat unlivable; or may occur gradually over thousands or millions of years, such as when a species gradually loses out in competition for food to better adapted competitors.

Humans have been transporting animals and plants from one part of the world to another for thousands of years, sometimes deliberately and sometimes accidentally. In most cases, such introductions are unsuccessful, but when they do become established as an invasive alien species, the consequences can be catastrophic. Invasive alien species can affect native species directly by eating them, competing with them, and introducing pathogens or parasites that sicken or kill them or, indirectly, by destroying or degrading their habitat.

Credits: Documental, la 2, animales en extinción


Animales Salavjes, video

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Myanmar, formerly Burma is the largest country by geographical area in mainland Southeast Asia. Burma achieved independence from the United Kingdom on 4 January 1948, as the “Union of Burma.” It became the “Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma” on 4 January 1974, before reverting to the “Union of Burma” on 23 September 1988. On 18 June 1989, the State Law and Order Restoration Council adopted the name “Union of Myanmar".Burma is bordered by China on the north, Laos on the east, Thailand on the southeast, Bangladesh on the west, and India on the northwest, with the Bay of Bengal to the southwest. One-third of Burma's total perimeter is 1,930 kilometres,
Burma's diverse population has played a major role in defining its politics, history and demographics in modern times. Its political system remains under the tight control of the Stat Peace and Development Council.

Burma is governed by a strict military regime. The current head of state is Senior General Than Shwe, who holds the posts of “Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council” and “Commander in Chief of the Defense Services”. General Khin Nyunt was prime minister until 19 October 2004, when he was replaced by General Soe Win, after the purge of Military Intelligence sections within the Burma armed forces. The majority of ministry and cabinet posts are held by military officers, with the exceptions being the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labour, and the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development, posts which are held by civilians

Credits: Wikipedia

Saturday, November 24, 2007

My Street and my House

My street is called Avenida Europa.
My street have four years old, they wanted to construct more houses but we didn't want to and know we are only three houses, mine is the first one, as you can see in the video.
My oarents made the garden cause they want to do it hymselfs.
Sometime ago we had a big slide in our swimingpool but it broke.
Our garden is really silence, is a good place to read or to think about your things...
I like a lot my front terrace, in summer we spent lot of the time there.
Every year we change the living room, and this year i love how is decorated.
My kitchen it isn't big but i like it too.
My father dek is always a mess, he made that big shelf book, and someday i want to have one like him.
The bedroom of my brother is always tidied not like mine, my bedrom is the most untdied room of the world, i like a lot my room, here's we're i study and were i listen to music, i love it!
My brother's and my terrace have lovely views, in summer i love to sit an look to the stars
and is were i paint.
My parents bedroom and their terrace are lovely too.
My bathroom is good but i prefer my parents one.
The favourite room in my house, is the basement, there is were i play with the computer, playsation, i watch the television and i preper all my parties there.


- Trick or Treat
“Trick or treat, smell my feet
Give me something good to eat.”

The history of "Trick Or Treating" can be traced back to the early celebrations of All Soul's Day in Britain. The poor would go to the housewives and they would give them special treats called "soulcakes".
Is an activity for children on or around Halloween in which they proceed from house to house in costumes, asking for treats such as candy with the question, "Trick or treat?" The "trick" part of "trick or treat" is a treat to prank the homeowner or his property if no treat is given.

- Pumpkin
A pumpkin is a squash fruit that grows as a gourd from a trailing vine of certain species in the genus Cucurbita. Although native to the Western hemisphere, pumpkins are cultivated in North America, continental Europe, Australia, New Zealand, India and some other countries.
In Halloween you make a JACK O' LANTERN, carving a pumpkin to sit in your door step for Halloween.

- Recipie


Ingradients (makes 5 Caramel Apples)
40- Caramel cubes
5- Apples
1- Tablespoon of water
5-Wooden sticks
1- Wax paper

Wash and dry the apples thoroughly. Remove stems and insert the wooden sticks into the stems hole until about half stick in the apple. In a small saucepan, over low heat, melt the caramels with the water, stirring constanly until smooth. Now dip the apples into the hot caramel sauce, coating the apple. Place on greased, wax paper.

Storage and serving
Store your caramel covered apples in to the refrigerator.
Before serving, put them out of the refrigerator and wait fifteen minutes.
Then, yummy yummy.. mmhh, hahahhahahahahaa..

Credits: -

Covered Caramel apples
Wikipedia trick or Treat
Trick or treat


The name of the school is Escuela 2.This video was taken by Marininn and Sofiuus the last friday at english lesson(23 of november of 2oo7)

Here we study about 300 students with 25-30 people at class.The students ages are from three until sixteen years old.In our school there's:

-the secretary room: where they manage all the information,

-photocopy room:where you photocopy things

-enfermery:where their cure

-teachers desks,where the teacher works

-escoleta:there are three classes,where the little students work

-primary:there are six classes,the best teacher is Pepe.

-eso:there are four classes,where we are studing now.

-tecnology:where the eso students work for the asignatures tecnology and chemistry.

-garden:there are two fields, one for basketball and volleyball and the other one for football.

-Kitchen:where they cook the lunch.

-library:where we going to read.

we like a lot our school,in this school the students have many participation,make the falla,is the "semana de",carnival(when all the students dress up ),the end of school party...etc.Our school is very amused,didactical,and every day with proposals,the parents,students and teachers,the school is getting better.

we love are school.

credits:by marininn&soofiuus

Saturday, September 15, 2007

My Chemical Romance – The Ghost of you

Friday, September 14, 2007


In my last summer entrie, i’m going to talk about a friend called Valentina Camila Rojas, she is my Mexican friend.

I know her because my dad and her mother are friends, but i’ve never meet her.

She is from México City, and she writes each other by e-mail or messenger.

And is very funny talking with her, cause now i know more words in mexican.

I enjoy a lot talking with her because she tells me a lot of things and she wants that i tell my opinion of things, so i kind of like that, and so i do with her.

We have a great friendship and i’m very proud of it, cause now i Know that i have a friend in Mexico and she has a friend in Spain.

She is friendly, very kind and nice, and i like her a lot.

Her favourite music band is “Cold Play” and she hates “Rebelde” like me, She likes a lot of music bands i like, so we have the same likes, not only with the music band with los of things.

She doesn’t have a computers she goes to her antie house and write me, sometimes she is conected, but there are diferent hour in Mexico than here, so normaly we write –mail to eachother.

She write me a letter, with a her photo and she made me, a nice red neckless.

Someday i want to meet her in person and talk a lot with her.


Sunday, August 19, 2007


In Calvina’s world, all is strange and very interesting, is a game. You have to work your imagination, is a hard challenge to your intelligence.
All begun, when two robbers plan to rob an strange and old house.
Lucrecio, “el Rata”, was waiting for his friend “el Sopa”. He waited 30 minutes and he decided to rob the house without “el sopa”.
A window was open so he cross the garden, and went into the house. He was in a dark room and suddenly the a little boy (it was a girl or a boy) open the ligths.
The girl boy know everythin about Lucrecio. The boy girl was very mysterious and Lucrecio was very scared.
I have read this book on Summer, i have read it in Spanish, but i wanted to put it in my
I really enjoy a lot the book, is incredible the imagination of the author, Carlo Frabetti. You have to work a lot you imagination, but is a Fascinating Story.
I like it a lot, the end of the story is incredible, i think the best part is the end, cause yo know thing that you didn’t know in the beginning of the story, but you don’t konw everything. I like everything of this story, when i finish reading with one book, and i like it, i feel, really happy, ad i want to read more, with this story hapened, i want to read more of Carlo Frabetti. This book is very recent cause it was publicated in 2007, so maybe is another book of Calvina, it would de amazing.
Is brilliant, i love it a lot.
All the people who likes working his/ her imagination, have to read it, it’s INCREDIBLE and AMAZING.

Credits: me

Thursday, August 16, 2007

~My Summer Camp.

I have been in a Windsurf and Piraguism Camp with Marina, Carlos and Pablo.
It was a week, from 15 to 22 of June.
It was Incredible, we met a lot of people and we have a lovely time.
But the nost important thing is that we learn a little of Windsurf and now we want to practice, but we no teacher, but in Valencia is impossible. And we learn more of Piraguism.
The Camp it was in –El Casal D’Esplai del Saler- .
I didn’t like two things..
The food was disgusting, now i know why the teachers of School always says
that School food is better than other places, cause... IS TRUE!
And the other thing i didn’t like were the Rooms, why the girls have to sleep only with the girls and not with the Boys? Aaaagh... Because Carlos, Pablo Marina and me wanted to sleep together but they didn’t let us sleep together.
I didn’t liek this two things all the other thing were Extroardinary.
I have a great time, the teachers os Windsurf and Piraguism were very nice.
And all the teens we met where nice too.
All the people called us G4, cause we always went together, then a boy called Robert, went with us, so we where G4+1, it was funny.
Well, Winsurf is a little difficult, but Practice makes perefet, no?, So i wanna practice a lot of Winsurf cause i like it a lot.
And my Cousins have a Cannoe, so i practice a lot..
In three words IT WAS INREDIBLE!
I love it, WOW.

First Photo;
G4, Pablo, Carlos, Sofía and Marinaa.
Second Photo;
Windsurf and Piraguism Teachers (from Left to Right), Juan, Carbo, Adrián, María, Dani, Marc and Mateo.
Credits: Me!

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Italian: Venezia, Venetian: Venezsia, Latin: Venetia

I’m talking about Venice cause in October i’m goinG with Marina, her mother, My mother and my little brother Nicky.

Venice is a city in northern Italy, the capital of region is Veneto, and has a population of 271,251 habitants.
Venice's nicknames include "Queen of the Adriatic", "City of Water", "City of Bridges", and "The City of Light".

The city stretches across numerous small islands in the marshy Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeast Italy.
The saltwater lagoon stretches along the shoreline between the mouths of the Po (south) and the Piave (north) Rivers.
The Venetian Republic was a major sea power and a staging area for the Crusades, as well as a very important center of commerce (especially the spice trade) and art in the
Renaissance. The city-state lost much of its power and importance due to the decline and fall of the Byzantine Empire, which Venice helped to destroy.
One of the most Famous things of Venice is the Carnival, all the people go with masks adn bautiful dresses, with all kind of colours and types of dresses.

I’m so excited to go, is going to be amazing, LoL...

Credits: Wikipedia, Canival of Venice, Venice Explorer.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Linkin Park is a nu-metal band from Agoura Hills, California. They formed in 1996, and have since sold more than fifty million albums and won two Grammies.
Old-school hip-hop, traditional classic rock, and spooling electronic vibes were the initial factors behind the building of the alternative metal quintet Linkin Park.
The band's Southern Californian musical roots were also an underlying basis, for drummer Rob Bourdon, guitarist Brad Delson, and MC/vocalist Mike Shinoda formed a tight friendship while still in high school. Shortly after graduation, art student and DJ Joseph Hahn hooked up with bassist Dave "Phoenix" Farrell and Shinoda for the band Xero. Hybrid Theory came later, but the band opted on the name Linkin Park when singer Chester Bennington was the last piece added to the band in 1999.
Linkin Park have worked with lots of bands and singers like Jay- z, Metallica, Red hot chilly peppers, The Deftones...
Hybrid Theory received three Grammy nominations, for Best Rock Album and Best New Artist. A month later, Linkin Park walked away with an award for Best Hard Rock Performance for "Crawling."

Band members:


Well, in two words, THEY ROCK!
I love Linkin Park is one of my favourites music bands, They are awsome.
The Music, Rhyme and Lyrics are just Perfect. I like it a lot...
The songs make me feel better and strong...
It will be amazing if you write a coment with your opinon, thanks.

Official web site of Linkin Park

Sunday, June 17, 2007

S p a i n

Hi i’m going to write about my countrie Spain. The capital of Spain is Madrid, our population is 44.708.964, it has an extension of 506.013 km ² and our natinal anthem is the Granadera March.

Spain has a Monarchy. Our president is Jose Luis Rodrigo Zapatero, he is socialist. In spain we have Euros, long time ago we had Pesetas but with the new century the Euro camed.

In 1986 our countrie became a memeber of the European Union.

Spain is an European country that is situated in the occidental europe. And it shares borders with France, Potugal, Andorra, And the Britanic Colony, Gibraltar.

Next to our countrie is the Mediterranean sea, the Cantabric sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

In Spain is typical Las Sevillanas, the oranges, The Fallas, El Marisco and The Paella.
We speak in Spanish but there are lots of other language inside our countrie like Valenciano, Vasco, Gallego, Catalan, etc...

Credits: ME! And the photo from google, the hoto is from Murcia, Spain!


What is a PodCast ~> A podcast is a digital media file, that is distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and personal computers. A podcast is a specific type of webcast which, like 'radio', can mean either the content itself or the method by which it is syndicated. The author of a podcast is often called a podcaster. The term "podcast" is a portmanteau of the name of Apple's portable music player, the iPod, and broadcast. Pod --> refers to a container of some sort. Cast --> to the idea of broadcasting. In other words, a podcast is a collection of files (usually audio and video) residing at a unique web feed address. Though podcasters' web sites may also offer direct download their content, a podcast is distinguished from other digital media formats by its ability to be syndicated, subscribed to, and downloaded automatically, using an aggregator or feed reader capable of reading feed formats such as RSS or Atom. “A PodCast is like a webcast, but you can hear it in your web page or in your ipod”

My opinion ~> I think that a Podcast is really good fun cause, you can hear your voice in your blog and it’s funny, but the only bad think is taht i don’t know how to do it... I think that is very dificult to do it, noo? Please can you put me a comment writing your opinion, =) it would be amazing, thanks..!

Credits : Wikipediaa, the free encyclopedia