Sunday, November 20, 2005


The Estatut catala is like a law book about rights and duties like the espanish constitution. They want to change some things to have more economical autonomy, social autonomy, etc. It´s very complicate to me.They are diferents opinions about this, some people think it´s going to be fantastic but other people think it´s going to be a dehorn, because Catalunya doesn´t want to be part of Spain. So I think that Catalunya has to be in spain but with more autonomy.It is very complicate so i don´t know what I have to put more.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Harold Pinter ...]]
Harold Pinter won the nobel prize for literature this year, he was born on the 10 october 1930 in London .
He has written 29 plays and directed 27 theatre productions . He is director, actor,playwright, poet and political activist.His reputation grew until he became known as one of the most important dramatist of post-war England, responsible for the creation of two new dramatic terms ,"Pinteresque"(defining his unique style) and "Pinter pause" (referring to his use of meaningful silence).His great plays are :The room, The birthday party,The dumb waiter, The caretaker, The homecoming.

I think that Harold Pinter is a great man and he works a lot and I think that he deserves the nobel prize.So Harold dont change never!!!!!!!!!