Hi i’m going to write about my countrie Spain. The capital of Spain is Madrid, our population is 44.708.964, it has an extension of 506.013 km ² and our natinal anthem is the Granadera March.
Spain has a Monarchy. Our president is Jose Luis Rodrigo Zapatero, he is socialist. In spain we have Euros, long time ago we had Pesetas but with the new century the Euro camed.
In 1986 our countrie became a memeber of the European Union.
Spain is an European country that is situated in the occidental europe. And it shares borders with France, Potugal, Andorra, And the Britanic Colony, Gibraltar.
Next to our countrie is the Mediterranean sea, the Cantabric sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
In Spain is typical Las Sevillanas, the oranges, The Fallas, El Marisco and The Paella.
We speak in Spanish but there are lots of other language inside our countrie like Valenciano, Vasco, Gallego, Catalan, etc...
Credits: ME! And the photo from google, the hoto is from Murcia, Spain!