Thursday, November 30, 2006
In 1989 asrpaned was replaced by a faster version called "internet protocol" or " internet" ( inter for international and net for network)
in 1996 it had 10 million users in 150 countries . Every day there are 15 new sites and 2000 more users .Today it brings the world together by creating an electronic global village.
I think that internet is very usefull, because we can search information and chat with our friends, look for photos of our favourites famous, etc... i love interenet, i'm always in internet sometimes i'm so many time and my parents are very angry with me.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
< - - hαLLoweEn - - >
Halloween originated under a different name as a Pagan festival of Ireland, celts and Great Britain with Irish, Scots, Welsh and other immigrants transporting versions of the tradition.
Halloween is celebrated in most parts of the world most commonly in the United States, Canada, UK, Ireland and with popularity in Australia and New Zeland. In recent years, Halloween has also been celebrated in parts of Europe, like Belgium, France and Spain. The term Halloween, and its older spelling Hallowe'en, is shortened from All hallow's eve, as it is the evening of/before "All Hallows'Day" (also known as "All Saint's Day").
A jack-o’-lantern is the Halloween pumpkin. I always make one in Halloween because is fun and spooky!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

The only thing i know about Chernobil is that was a ville,on that ville there was a nuclear power station.This nuclear power station explote and there died a lot of people.In the news i have seen that, there was a guy with twenty years but he looked like a child with seven years.All the children have disease because the nuclear power station.Scientifics say that in 500 years the village cant be lived in.It's terrible!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
e-twinning is an tegnology European project where the students talk to meet other students of other country (talking by mail). Our class and I are doing it with stonia, and we make video conferences it is very exciting and fun. I think that is a very good idea because we practice english and learn about other cultures, is nice and fun.