**мy suммer**
This summer we don't really know what we are going to do, and go.
Nicky (my brother) and me , are going to go to England that's sure.
Maybe we are going to Grece but we don't really know it yet so we don't have plans for summer

TαrrαGonα...● ]]
On first of eso we went traveling to Tarragona.
First day- We went to Tarragona on bus then we took a boat and we went to "la desembocadura del ebro" after we eat our sandwich and we went to "la ciutat del repos i descans". There we put our things on our room. our room where was composted of 7 girls ( the best girls) Paula, Andrea, Susana, Maria, Marina , Vio and me. Our room was the best one because it was the bigest one.
Then we have a party where we dance all nigth.
Second day- We went to a cave after we visit a village.
Third day- We went to Port Aventura, wE HaVe a vErY GOod dAY.
Fourth day- Again, again we went to Port Aventura.
Fifth day- We went to "Tarraco" and we return on train "the Euromed"
It was the most incredible travel on the world. We had a very good time. It was the BEST!!!!